Europe and Latin America

Research Program



University Network


Research Projects

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The Europe and Latin America Research Program (ELARP) is based at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES) of the University Institute of Management, Social Sciences and Technology (ISCTE), in Lisbon.

Launched in 2003, ELARP promotes academic cooperation around an initial network of eight higher-education institutions that brings together the study of Latin American and European society and politics. It has earned financial support from the Programa Lusitânia (FCT-Instituto Camões-GRICES) for diverse activities carried out in 2004 and 2005. ELARP has also contributed several articles to the new series of e-Working Papers recently launched at CIES.

ELARP fosters advanced research regarding comparative politics and transnational issues. It encourages the mobility of academics, both professors and students (see EU grants), among its partners and beyond. An example of such cooperation is the Cátedra Brasil/Portugal em Ciências Sociais (ISCTE and Universidade de Campinas).

Through CIES, ELARP is associated to the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), the Inter-University Consortium for Political Research (ICPSR), and the European Union-Latin America Relations Observatory (EULARO-OBREAL). It is also linked to the Europe and Latin America Section (ELAS) of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).



Center for Research and

Studies in Sociology